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Do you sometimes wonder if people know what your community really needs?

Would you like to make a difference but don't know where to start?

Do you feel that your voice is never heard?

Your Voice - Your story is a new project working to support people in West Lancashire in finding their voice. Through fun and informal get-togethers, we give you the chance to share your dreams and frustrations. We will work with you to build your skills and confidence in sharing your hopes and ideas. Together we will have the chance to engage with and influence some of the key decision makers in our community.

Why not come and join the conversation

people talking

Conversation Groups

Come along to one of our conversation groups - share your thoughts and ideas and meet like-minded people

people at table

Work With Us

Are you an existing community group? Do you regularly bring people together? Why not work with us to get our voices heard ...

pair of mugs

Signpost Cafe

Join us for a cuppa, a chat and a chance to find out more about local opportunities and services